Community Needs Assessment
A community needs assessment should be conducted every 2-3 years and is used to gain insight on the area, concerns of the residents, and is utilized to improve offered services in Mooresburg. Our 2022 needs assessment was a tad overdue, with our previous one completed in 2014.
How would you describe your health?

Nearly 40% of participants feel they are in fair or poor health.

More women than men were comfortable filling out the survey.
Highest Level of Education

Over a fifth of individuals did not graduate high school.
Three quarters of participants do not have a college degree.
Employment Status

Nearly 40% of participants are only employed part-time,
while another 30% are unemployed due to disabilities.
Annual Household Income

The majority of survey participants are below the federal poverty line, with close to 44% earning less than $15,000 a year.
In the past two weeks, you have felt lonely. Would you say that is...?

More than a quarter of participants have felt lonely in the past two weeks.
Needed Services Identified from Needs Assessment
Food insecurity after COVID has been high amongst participants, so we started a biweekly MRE drive thru with ready to eat meals.
Assumed pet food would be most requested assistance for pets, however flea, tick, & heartworm medicine, nail trimming & grooming, and annual vaccinations were among the top needs of participants.
Household cleaning items were among items needed that MCA had not identified as a need previously.